Leukoneurocitis (LNC or Shrinking disease) is a rare genetic
disorder of the blood system, resulting in extensive
shrinking to the body. The majority of LNC
cases are caused by a deficiency or inhibition of the enzyme LNC123, also known as the Lack of Wine
Factor (LWF). Red blood cells pass through microscopic clots and are subjected
to incredible stress. Reduced blood flow and cellular injury results
in severe organ damage and impending shrinkage, usually down to a
size 6. So for women the disease is not totally without it's benefits. That is,
until the shrinking resumes and a permanent lack of oxygen and lack of pulse
follows inevitably thereafter. Current therapy consists
of ingesting large doses of diet Chardonnay and plasmapheresis (or a good cheese) to reduce circulating antibodies. Dr. Ivan Wizen, from
St. Thomas - Virgin Islands, has been making numerous discoveries in this
field that may one day lead to a cure. However, at this time there is no
medically proven cure. Thankfully, there is no pain. You just get really,
really small. And then really, really dead. Go to: http://leukoneurocitis.info